Author: sara

GFNY Alpes Vaujany Covid Regulations

05 Aug 2021

–English below– Les coureurs participant et visitant le GFNY Alpes Vaujany sont tenus de présenter au moins l’un des éléments ci-dessous et l’inscription à la course. un certificat de vaccination complet valable 7 jours après

Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19

17 Feb 2021

GFNY Mazatlan is CONFIRMED. The state of Sinaloa has approved GFNY Mazatlan to take place on May 2nd, 2021. GFNY Mazatlan is taking a number of precautions to keep GFNY riders, staff and volunteers safe.

Medidas para contener la propagación de COVID-19

17 Feb 2021

GFNY Mazatlan está CONFIRMADO. El estado de Sinaloa aprobó GFNY Mazatlan para el 2 de Mayo de 2021. GFNY Mazatlan está tomando una serie de precauciones para mantener seguros a los pasajeros, el personal y

Only When Chased — A Cyclist's Marathon Journey into Running

11 Feb 2021

Prologue My journey with fitness came from cycling. Turned on to cycling about 13 years ago, it became a passion and a “way forward” after a health scare about 6 years after starting. Not long

DeRetour sur GFNY Alpes Vaujany

21 Dec 2020

Le vent froid me coupe le souffle comme un couteau. Je dois ouvrir et fermer ma bouche comme un poisson, sinon je crains que mon visage ne gèle. C’est la même sensation que lorsque vous

GFNY NYC is your race through American history

15 Dec 2020

At the start of GFNY in 2019, I found myself on my bike, suspended above the Hudson River on the lower deck of the George Washington Bridge, surrounded by 5,000 fellow racers from over 90

Looking back at GFNY Alpes Vaujany

14 Dec 2020

The cold wind is cutting through my skull like a knife. I have to open and close my mouth like a fish, otherwise I fear my face will freeze up. It’s the same feeling as

GFNY 2011

13 Nov 2020

Greetings from Sebring!

02 Nov 2020

GFNY Florida Marked the Return to Racing, Meeting the Mayor, and Getting a Peak Under the Big Top of GFNY And a happy Halloween to all! We are now a week out from the #GFNYRoadTrip.

Política de GFNY ante las restricciones para viajar por Covid

30 Oct 2020

Qué sucede con tu registro GFNY si no puedes viajar debido a las restricciones gubernamentales: Si el Gobierno donde vives te impide viajar al GFNY por cierre de fronteras, recibirás un registro sin cargo para

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