GFNY Rankings

Plan Your Race Calendar - Complete Your Goals - Earn Your Ranking

GFNY is a global race series, which spans an entire calendar year across countries and continents. With the GFNY Ranking, you can compare yourself against cyclists from different parts of the world, even if you don’t ever go head-to-head at a race.

GFNY Rankings isn’t just about the champions, the rankings offer all riders a fun way to see how you fare against riders in other parts of the world. The rankings will motivate you to do your best both in training and on race day.

The GFNY Ranking system provides objective criteria. The ranking takes place during each calendar year. For each GFNY race completed, you will earn points based on your finish placement in the competitive long route, or a flat number of points for completing the medium route. 

Your best three results per calendar year will be factored into the ranking. If you complete more than three races, your next-ranked finishes will be awarded a flat 100 points per long distance finish and a flat 50 points will be added per medium distance finish. 

Earn more points at certain key races: GFNY Regional Championships are a 2x multiplier and the Michelob ULTRA GFNY World Championship NYC is a 3x multiplier. 

With your top three results counting towards your ranking, you get to pick the best opportunities to put your strengths on display. Additional points for every GFNY finish help you accumulate more points and climb in the rankings. As the racing season unfolds, your points achievements and real-time progress updates will help you to tailor your training and race calendar. Planning will help you achieve your goals and rise through the overall rankings. 

GFNY Rankings are calculated in two ways: (1) overall, to determine the GFNY series-wide male and female standings, and (2) per age group, to compare yourself against others just in your age group. Each athlete is ranked both in overall and age group rankings.

Choose the best races for your cycling capabilities, time of year, location, and travel goals. And more than anything, have fun seeing the comparison with riders from all over the world. 


1. Per calendar year, your best three finishes count towards the GFNY Ranking. After the top three, the next finishes are awarded 100 points per each long route finish and 50 points per each medium route finish.

2. Points Multipliers:

Championship races provide points multipliers. The Michelob ULTRA GFNY World Championship NYC awards 3x points. GFNY Regional Championships count award 2x points.

3. Overall Ranking:

3.1. The first finisher in the long distance overall male and female (gun time) receives 5000 points.

3.2 The last finisher receives 100 points.

3.3 Finishers in between receive a percentage of the points depending on the amount of finishers.

3.4 All medium finishers receive 50 points.

4. Age Group Ranking

4.1 The first finisher in the long distance of each age group (chip time) receives 5000 points.

4.2 The last finisher in each age group receives 100 points.

4.3 Finishers in between receive a percentage of the points depending on the amount of finishers.

4.4 All medium finishers receive 50 points.


Where do I find my personal points?
Your personal points will be shown in your GFNY account at

Where do I find the GFNY Rankings?

Are there any prizes for the winners?
Yes, there will be prizes such as race entries, apparel and more. Prizes will continue to be added and announced throughout the year, stay tuned to our social and email newsletters.

How does the percentage calculation of the finishers between the first and the last work?
Here is an example:

100% = total number of finishers
5000 for the first, 100 for the last

With 100 finishers, each finish spot is worth 4900/100 = 49 points. 1st: 5000, 2nd: 4951, 3rd: 4902, 100th: 100.

With 1000 finishers, each finish spot is worth 4900/1000 = 4.9 points. 1st: 5000, 2nd: 4995.1, 3rd: 4990.2, 1000th: 100

How often are the GFNY Rankings updated?
It takes a few days until race results are final. At that point, the new rankings are published.

I’m not at the front of the races or even my age group. Why should I care?
GFNY Rankings is a great tool for absolutely everyone, from first to last. As athletes, we get the most out of our sport if we push ourselves to our individual limit, no matter how far removed from winning the race we may be. GFNY Ranking provides you an incentive to lay it all on the line.

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